Florida East Coast Railway Police Department
As a reminder of the policies/procedures for FEC Ramp Terminals. We continue to enforce these policies for the safety of both our employees and yours performing services for our customers to and from our Ramp Terminals. We ask that you pass this information to your drivers to make them aware of our safety concerns and the seriousness of complying with these policies at all Terminals.
If your drivers are found to be in violation of any of these policies as set forth below, he/she will be disciplined per the following guidelines, for minor infractions only:
- First Offense – warning only
- Second Offense – one week suspension
- Third Office – one month suspension
- Fourth Offense – permanently banned from all FEC properties
- Proof of the driver’s identity is required to be shown at entry. Only a valid driver’s license will be accepted. Drivers are required to open all empty units coming in or out.
- Do not foul any track or crane lane. It is your responsibility to confirm your clearance.
- Ramp Gate Speed is 5 MPH Terminal Speed is 15 MPH. The entry/exit roadway is 25 MPH.
- Flashers must be always turned on while on the Ramp Terminals
- Seatbelts must be always worn.
- Stop signs are painted on the floor and drivers must come to a complete stop.
- Cranes have the right-of-way and drivers must yield to them.
- Cell phone usage is prohibited while driving or backing a unit. Once your truck is safely parked, a cell phone may be used.
- Only the authorized company driver is allowed into the facility. If you have a driver-trainee, he/she will be allowed also, no one else.
- Leaving your truck while awaiting a packer or crane is prohibited.
- Sleeping, eating, parking are not permitted. You may not use the ramp as a waiting area for your next pickup.
- When in-gating you will receive a “buck-slip” – a computer generated paper that tells you the unit number, any damage noticed, and where to park your unit (PARK AT___). If you find the space noted on the buck slip to be occupied, park your unit in the nearest space, note it on your paper and advise the in-gate clerk. Reports are generated to audit the unit placement and discipline will be issued if any variance was not reported to the in-gate clerk.
- Proper personal protective gear, i.e.; safety glasses, shoes, etc. are required, and no “flip flops” are permitted.
- No firearms allowed in any FEC facilities (regardless of conceal weapon license).
- Port-O-Lets are provided on the terminal for your convenience.
Major Infractions
- Dumping trash from your truck is not permitted; this will be a one month suspension.
- Any Theft from the Ramp or not reporting an accident will be an automated “Banned for Life” offense and possible criminal charges.
- No seals are permitted to be broken at any time. If a driver breaks a seal they will be “Banned for Life” and possible criminal charges.
- The Bob-tail lane is for entry only, not for obtaining information on your unit. If you do not know where your desired unit is parked, park your truck out of the way, walk to the in-gate clerk and inquire. Do not block the bob-tail lane.
- Crossing the Ramp from East to West is only permitted on the north end, middle and south end of the ramp. Any other point is a violation.
- A-Row Section. If the unit you are bringing in does not have proper billing, you cannot park inside the In Gate, you will be allowed to turn around and go back outside the facility, through the Out Gate side, and wait for your billing to go through.
- Do not park any chassis in the A-Row Section.
- All vehicles are subject to search at any time while inside any FEC facility.
- All trailers/containers must out-gate with a valid seal. If the driver is directed to security for a seal issue, the driver must comply with all instructions to obtain a seal prior to out-gating.
We appreciate the service you provide to our customers. Please provide this information to your drivers for their safety and ours.
If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact our Police and Special Services.
FEC Police